Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 340 - Dodoro

The mountains weren’t steep. They moved quite easily, especially after Angor found a man-made mountain path. It meant there was a civilization nearby.

Angor asked Toby to observe from the sky. Toby happily complied and returned to Angor’s shoulder after a short while.

“There is? A big city on the other side?” Angor’s eyes brightened up. He was worried that small villages might not provide him with much useful information, but a large city would totally do the trick.

Since they had a certain destination now, Angor proceeded in a brighter mood. He turned back and spoke to his little follower, “There’s a city just ahead. I can’t keep ‘hey you’. You need a name now.”

The man replied to him with another confused gaze. However, there was a tiny trace of innocent happiness in it.

The coffin man had stopped repeating Angor’s words. But that was about it—he couldn’t express anything yet. And Angor wasn’t sure whether he should be worried or happy about this.

Angor did notice that every time he talked to the coffin man, those eyes would twinkle brightly with pleasant emotions.

After surviving on plainly-cooked food for months, he was immediately attracted by the smell of salt and rich spice.

He picked a slice of pork jerky. He then silently apologized to the owner of the house before he used a pot to boil water on the kitchen stove.

Man, the smell was heavenly!

Even Toby couldn’t help digging in like mad.

Sitting away from them, Dodoro’s mouth also watered at the delicious smell. However, he only looked at the pot without actually asking for food.

Angor thought it over. Dodoro didn’t seem troubled by all the fruits in these days. So, he decided to give Dodoro a really soft part of the meat.

Their meal was very satisfying. When leaving the ranger’s house, Angor placed a gold coin on the table as a late payment. Anyway, it was better than paying nothing.

The coin wasn’t only for buying meat. He also took a set of clothing and a pair of shoes.

For Dodoro.

Angor’s bracelet contained a bright-purple wizard robe that he received from Prome, which served as Dodoro’s outfit during the previous days. Without any other inner fabrics, the robe didn’t do a very good job.

Even though he was wearing nothing on the inside, Dodoro didn’t seem troubled at all. However, Angor couldn’t help feeling uneasy about it. Every now and then, the wind would expose Dodoro’s private parts under broad daylight… very clearly.

They were heading toward a city now. In order not to look too unsightly, Angor had to find him something to wear from the house.

With the new set of clothes, Dodoro looked more “civilized” now. To prevent unnecessary trouble, Angor also cropped his long hair into a crew cut.

When everything was settled, they moved out of the ranger’s house. There was a path leading away from the house. Following it should lead them to a colony quickly enough.

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