Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 388 - Crying in the Graveyard

Chapter 388: Crying in the Graveyard
Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The black coffin was exposed to air. There was no tombstone nor a coffin lid. Angor could clearly observe the skeleton inside.

It looked like someone small. From a quick assumption, the skeleton belonged to someone about 1.2 or 1.3 meters tall. A child, probably.

Next, he glanced at something shining around the skeleton’s skull. He saw the object during the last lightning flash.

He reached for it and found a necklace, which was made from a platinum chain and a heart-shaped gem. The gem was polished into a hexadecahedron[1.16-faced entity], which shone brilliantly each time more lightning came.

Angor moved a finger around the gem and found a small trigger.


Another secret chamber was revealed in the gem.

Angor tried to imagine what happened here—Naked women, using their tears of blood, who left their names on their own graves while cursing the names of their killers.

Wait. Could the deceased possibly write on their own tombstones? That would be so horrifying.

Angor shivered a little and kept following Toby’s signal until he came to a stop in front a well.

The well looked ordinary. There were no strange smells or anything particular coming from it. Still, it was already a strange thing for a well to exist in the middle of a graveyard. Also, Angor sensed lingering dark magic around the well. Any undead being who approached would get purified by it.

Someone intentionally left it here, that much was obvious.

When standing near the well, Angor could no longer hear women crying, which meant the “purification power” was pretty strong.

Everything suggested that there was some secret down there. Toby was also asking to go down the well.

After careful consideration, Angor jumped inside.

He landed on solid ground again after about two seconds. The well was completely dry, and there were no negative emotions released by undead souls. Therefore, Angor decided to cast Light to see around.

The bottom of the well looked like a cave. There were miniature stalagmites growing on the ground. A dark tunnel sat behind the curtain of pointy stones.

While still in his dreaming state, Toby pointed a wing toward the tunnel.

Angor remained cautious and began going into the cave. He soon heard someone crying again. But compared to the crying of resentment outside, this voice sounded a lot more innocent. It was simple, and it wasn’t trying to show any particular emotions.

The cave wasn’t big, and Angor reached the end of it soon.

The source of the crying voice was also here—a small girl wearing a yellow overall dress.



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