Chapter 408 - Soul Purification
Chapter 408: Soul Purification
Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations
Papaya was asked to sing the fourth paragraph. The Krakok girl seemed extremely nervous. Once on the stage, she kept moving her hands around her dress, unable to decide where to place them.
Angor failed to hold back his laughter. Last time they met, that little girl did a perfect job pretending to be innocent. He thought she could do better.
“You know Papaya, young mister?” the old priest suddenly asked.
“Yes. She knows how to act, I tell you.”
“Pardon me. Act?”
“Aw, stop calling her girl. Who knows, maybe she’s older than you,” Shadow joked.
The Grand Priest glanced at Angor again. Speaking of age, he never paid close attention to Angor’s age till now. Now that he took a careful look, the wizard sitting next to him had quite an immature appearance.
To activate the treasure, the singer had to pronounce every note correctly. Otherwise, they would miss the chance and have to wait for another 300 days.
Yellena too, knew how important this was. She breathed in rhythmically and prepared her composure for the final show.
“Say, will she mess it up like Papaya?” Shadow asked while he watched Yellena getting warmed up.
“Oh, stop jinxing,” Angor complained.
It wasn’t likely. The Hymns of Fairies weren’t long, and the singers all practiced since they were young, so they shouldn’t make serious mistakes in such a situation. But… things could always go wrong.
Angor considered and unleashed a small illusion on the stage.
He presented different views to Yellena, including tranquil woods, rivers, snowfields, and clouds, while observing Yellena’s reaction.
The Krakok singer didn’t seem troubled by the sight. She was only curious.
Until she grew visibly excited when Angor presented the image of a large stage and crowds of audiences.
“So she wants fame and attention…” Angor pondered and positioned Yellena at the center of crowds and spotlights.
Meanwhile, he asked his “teacup musicians” to join the illusion as well. During their encounter with Papaya, he learned that the teacups could play good music if they tried to. They didn’t at first probably because they only had nightmare monsters as audiences before.
As he expected, the stage illusion and teacup band helped Yellena bring out her best shot.
As she reached the climax of her song, the dish treasure began to glow brightly.
The Grand Priest let go of the item which slowly floated in the air.
“Sirs. Stand under its light, and your souls will be purified.” The old man explained and moved the item above Angor and Shadow.
More light came down along Yellena’s angelic singing voice. Angor felt as if he were taking a refreshing hot shower on the inside.
Probably because his soul was already relatively pure. Angor only felt comforting warmth and nothing else.
Shadow, on the other hand, moaned in delight non-stop. There were big chunks of black aura leaving his body, which suggested that his soul was a lot “dirtier”.
As Angor enjoyed the “sunbath”, he grew so relaxed that he wanted to take a nap right away.
The light of purification had reached the gray aura lingering in his soul. The aura was the energy of gravity sequence. It was both regarded as “impurity” and something beneficial, so the light halted in front of the aura as if considering what to do with it.
Angor grew curious. The Grand Priest did mention that the purification light could do something to the gray energy, but the old man never said what exactly.
The light finally moved again. It expanded and slowly engulfed the gray aura.
Next, the light-covered shape began to shrink until all the gray aura lingering in the depth of Angor’s soul was compressed into a sphere.
The light vanished.
Angor frowned at the strange feeling. So the light only collected all the energy in one place? What happened to “purification”?
The glowing treasure slowly stopped moving and returned to the Grand Priest.
Shadow stretched himself and moaned in pleasure again.
“Now this is worthwhile. With most of my soul taint gone, I have way more hope of becoming a wizard.” He then glanced at Angor. “If I’m seeing right, the light didn’t do much to you. Did you already purify your soul before?”
Instead of answering, Angor looked at the Grand Priest while demanding an answer.
“Young mister, the sequence inside you isn’t impurity, but the foreign power can still harm your soul if it spreads freely. Now, the light of purification has gathered the aura to a single spot. It’s bound to be a good thing to happen.”