Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 569 - Nightmare Domain Reborn

Angor took Nano to the room next to his own bedroom, where Papaya was having a dinner party with her people around their tiny skyscraper.

They all stopped their actions and looked at Nano with puzzled looks.

They felt confused because even though Nano was a lot taller than Krakoks, he was still tiny by human standards. Even after spending some time with Angor and Dodoro, the Krakoks still considered Nano a “shortie”.

“Is that a dwarf?” Papaya broke the silence first.

It was Nano who replied first by yelling furiously, “WHO ARE YOU TO CALL ME A DWARF?! I’m gonna kill you, you undersized freaks!”

The Krakoks dived back into their building when they saw Nano rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to fight.

Papaya remained calm and didn’t move since she saw Angor was still with them.

Angor lifted Nano into the air by his collar and warned, “Do anything stupid to them and I’ll cancel our terms. All of them.”

But now, the nightmare aura sent by Angor’s right hand aroused them.

Apart from the particularly bright insect, the teacups and the toy soldiers also visibly became brighter.

“Wait… if this keeps on, can these guys block and reflect powerful attacks again like how they did during Twilight Auction?” Angor asked.

“Those abilities will surely come back, but not to the same level as before. So… No.”

“But why?”

“You’ll see.”

Sunders asked Angor to wait for a bit longer.

They remained silent for several minutes until the nightmare aura fully filled up the entire nightmare domain.

Further tests told them that the teacups could now reflect level-2 cantrips, while anything more powerful would shatter them easily. Similarly, the toy soldiers could drain level-2 cantrips and unleash the power back out to harm their targets.

“Your nightmare domain can only contain so much nightmare aura at its current state,” Sunders explained. “If you wish for these monsters to grow stronger, you must improve your capacity first. However, the only way to achieve that is to absorb new pieces of nightmare domains. This is as difficult as finding new destinies. And even if you somehow get lucky like how you did last time, I suggest that you do not attempt it before becoming a wizard.”

Angor was already satisfied with what he had right now. After all, he could use the nightmare monsters as another defense line against level-2 cantrips.

Sunders asked Angor to cancel the castle hall. He then unleashed his own nightmare domain, the “dark tower”. By doing so, Sunders wished to find out whether Angor’s new hand could replenish nightmare aura for someone else’s domain as well.

The answer was yes.

“Those green sigils have a similar effect as nightmare stones, which also release nightmare aura into the surrounding area.” Sunders sighed and said, “Nightmare stones are extremely expensive, if you haven’t known. I guess your new hand can help us save a lot of expenses from now on.”

Angor frowned as he remembered a certain invention he saw in Earth movies. As he remembered, that amazing item called a “battery” was already considered obsolete in Jon’s world.




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