Chapter 805 - Reaching a New Level
“Aphrodite…” Valli repeated the name she heard with an astounded look as she recalled the beautiful dream she went through. She didn’t know whether that was a dream, an illusion, or a whole other world created by an unknown divinity.
Similarly, she was a frail mortal human who was searching for a miracle during a devastating storm, which was usually harmless to mermaids. For the first time in her life, she experienced the menace of mother ocean and even “died” at the end of the story.
However, she also caught a glimpse of a shining figure hidden behind the tides.
“Was that the goddess I was looking for…?”
Behind Valli, her guards were also whispering to each other while exchanging their different adventures in the fantastic dream. Even though most of them were drowned to death without finding even a tiny fraction of the goddess, they agreed that she was there waiting for them and that they just had to try harder next time. If they had a “next time”, that was.
This was when Angor realized that the “illusion challenge” wasn’t exclusive to himself, but when he asked Toby about this matter, Toby claimed that he never saw the illusion.
“Does it only affect humans and humanoids then?” Angor wondered.
“Oh great wizard, was that a simple dream or a realm built by the goddess that truly existed?” Valli suddenly asked.
While sitting on Gondola, Angor was carefully checking the item he just created, completely oblivious of Jebra’s presence earlier.
He named the music box the “Ocean Tuner”. The main engraving on the music box was a divine-looking mermaid who was holding onto a conch shell as big as her body while listening to the echo inside by pressing an ear against it.
Angor based the design on Valli and gave her a see-through silk dress made from “Starlight Fabric”, a special material that radiated brighter in a darker environment.
He already meant to give the initial design a magnificent look. But now, the “water film” created by the strange water drop had granted the item another dazzling coat over its frame.
Even Tulu couldn’t hide his awe and was staring at the trinket with sparkling eyes.
Angor had used Narda’s Vision to identify the properties of the items and was more than satisfied by the result.
“A high-tier item… This is my very first high-tier work!”