Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 823 - Homesickness and Anxiety

Jebra had turned into a puddle of water and was swiftly traveling to the sea through a river.

When he arrived at the estuary, a human-shaped figure made of water element suddenly blocked his way.

“Professor!” Jebra quickly canceled his cantrip and addressed his teacher.

Flunza’s voice came from the water avatar, “I’ve heard about everything from Sliv.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I messed up…” Jebra lowered his head.

“Not your fault. No one could have predicted the Dream Whelk showing up here. While you did make more than one mistake, as long as you didn’t fight Angor for real, then you still have chances to mend your relations.”

“Do I go after him again, sir? I think he knows I’ve been following him. He told me to leave him alone.”

Flunza asked a question instead, “Did you mention anything about buying that water affinity enhancement item?”

But what he just felt told him that the quest was way harder than he thought. The number of elements in the air had no particular spread pattern and was scarce no matter where he looked, which meant he couldn’t follow the elements to find where they disappeared to.

To find the cause, he might have to spend several years searching every nook and cranny around the entire Old Earth, which still didn’t guarantee a sure result.

This was probably why nobody had come up with any useful clues for this quest even though many organizations were looking for helpers for it.

Thinking about this, Angor instantly decided to forget about this quest. He had to get home as soon as possible.

They landed their boat along a beach area where they saw no people or other boats.

Copying what they did first when getting to the Land of Revelation, they headed straight inland so that they could find someone to ask for directions.

When they flew over a small mountain, Tulu slowed down Gondola and pointed to somewhere ahead of them. “Mister Padt, I see smoke. Maybe someone’s there.”

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