Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 836 - The State of the Town

A while later, Eureka scanned Jon’s coffin and nodded in satisfaction. “The corruption has slowed down. He has enough strength to endure several months without experiencing any further damages. But after that… the corruption will continue until it kills him in about two years.”

“We’re successful. At a great price.” Eureka glanced at all the bottles scattered on the floor and flinched. “How much did these cost you? Twenty thousand crystals? Well, glad you dragged him away from death’s door just a bit.”

Eureka truly meant her words—she could find more about Jon’s secrets this way.

Although Angor was no way near satisfied. Before coming back to the Old Earth, he thought he could at least make Jon last for 20 years or so. If so, he would have enough time to find a thorough cure. Yet… the remaining time was cut down to ten percent.

“You look so sad. Wasn’t planning to spend so much money, eh?” said Eureka.

“I bought these potions to help my teacher. There’s nothing to be sad about. Miss Eureka, we… can’t wake him up from the coffin, can we?”

“You want to talk to him?”


Parsel moaned, “That animal was my friend! And they ate him…”

“They have nothing left…” Angor muttered.

“Yup. And we can’t just go out there and kill people randomly, so this only left us with one option, which is to constantly keep an eye out for them. But their number is increasing, I tell ya.” Dim spat out a smoke ring. “When is this freaking war going to end? If this keeps on, the entire Yamei won’t be so safe to us.”

“He’s right.” Parsel agreed along. “I sure don’t want to become one of them one day, I need some smoke every day to calm my mind—hey, Dim! Why are you smoking MY pipe? Give it here!”

Parsel and Dim began to wrestle with each other again.

“Don’t worry about it.” Angor gave them a determined look. “Grue Town will be safe even if the entire Goldspink falls.”

Parsel and Dim had no idea why Angor could say such a thing, but they somehow felt reassured when looking at Angor’s sincere attitude.

They watched Angor go away. Parsel stopped going for his hookah and said to his neighbor, “I don’t know why, but I feel better all of a sudden.”

“Same here.” Dim nodded. “Seeing young Padt back, I have the feeling that Grue Town is in good hands. I mean, an extra pair of good hands.”

“Do you think Padt Manor will lift their bars and return to their usual?”

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