Chapter 871 - Updated Illusion
“I don’t know about the others, but with your illusion, Mister Padt, I’m sure you can make the perfect dream world unlike any. As I mentioned before, doing free alchemy practices is only the beginning of it. You can achieve anything.” Freud excitedly described the amazing dream world he had in mind.
Angor, however, didn’t believe Freud’s “Utopia” was possible. No matter how good it turned out, it was still a dream. However, it would be a worthy attempt.
Freud suggested that they could keep Jon’s memories and personality intact after his body died. But without any solid proof, Angor remained skeptical.
When Freud was done with his questions, he went into his “old room” in Angor’s Church of the Deceased and began leaving notes on Dream Reading.
Meanwhile, Angor checked the “safe playground” where the new recruits were resting. As he specified before, the safe zone was available from 0:00 to 6:00 on each day.
Without minding the participants, Alda was taking it easy on a rocking horse while humming a child’s lullaby.
While listening to his adorable voice, the worn-out recruits slowly fell asleep.
Sunny moved to the edge of the playground and spoke to Alda, “Don’t be so nice to them. I want to listen to their screams. This is boring.”
Without tarrying, Angor said his goodbye and prepared to return to the Old Earth with Brulee.
Even though he was forced to travel away at first, he was quite happy with what he gained along the trip, such as the Demeter and clues about Eureka’s injured spirit. Not to mention another possible solution to treat Jon.
What Freud suggested might sound like an odd thing to do, but it was still doable, if there was no other workaround.
“Wait a second… I think I forgot something?”