Chapter 12 - Talent Test
Jon was sound asleep because of Mara’s spell, so Angor did not wake him. He asked the mute servant to bring him back to his room.
Then everyone else went back to the castle.
Leon told the servants to gather everyone under the age of 50 into the hall and let Mara do his test on them.
Angor wanted to go first, but Leon stopped him and whispered, “Let the servants try this out first.”
Angor already understood even when Leon did not explain why.
As Mara said, there probably would not be a single talent among ten thousand people. Being “untalented” would surely embarrass someone. If he was the last one after all the failed servants, the embarrassment would not be as terrible… as long as none of the servants turned out to be a surprise.
Soon enough, about a hundred servants in the manor who had not yet reached their 50s stood in a line in front of the castle.
Mana made a bow to acknowledge the order before she left the room.
No one thought about what would become of Fawkes. Mara tidied up his robe a bit and lifted his impatience before he proceeded with the test.
Two hourglass hours had passed. All the servants were done, including Head Maid Mana and the guard knights. No one was talented.
Finally, Mara shifted his gaze onto Angor.
This is it.
Angor had made up his mind.
“I’ll go first. I’m also interested in wizardry. Mister Mara said that wizards all have a long lifespan and that they can live forever. That’s what I wish for,” said Leon. He stopped Angor and sat in front of Mara himself. He then said, “I can see much more scenery that way. I want to see everything this world has to offer.”
Angor did not move back. Instead, he sat beside Leon.
“You first,” Angor showed a fist to Leon. This was what they would do when encouraging each other during childhood.
Leon rubbed Angor’s soft hair with a smile. Then he reached for the Talent Sphere.
The white sand of time in the hourglass flowed down slowly. Leon looked around the room, trying to spot a “change”.
A minute passed. Leon lifted his hand and grave disappointment was written in his expression.
“It seems… I’m not talented,” Leon spoke helplessly. He could not find any changes during the minute. As Mara said, talent was extremely rare.
“It’s your turn then,” Leon patted Angor’s shoulder.
Angor nodded and slowly put his hand on the smooth surface of the Talent Sphere.