Chapter 149 - Test-Fly and Questions
Angor decided upon the three conditions after going over careful considerations. The test-fly was not dangerous to Toby, so this was an easy favor. Angor never intended to go overboard.
Still, asking too little would leave Dave an impression that “asking Toby for help is too easy” which in turn encouraged Dave to return with some other strange products to test on Toby again. That was why Angor needed at least one condition which tested Dave’s limits, to warn him not to go overboard with his requests.
With these three conditions, Angor both told Dave when to give up AND earned some profit out of them.
Since Dave already agreed, Angor willingly opened the garden door and invited Dave inside.
Dave looked around the delicate garden in jealousy. He had been in Brute Cavern for five years, and he still did not have enough money to rent a house. Thank heavens that Master Prome was generous enough to allow him to sleep in the underground shop, instead of living inside a narrow cave room.
Dave was curious at how Angor could afford a standalone villa, although he was not surprised by it at all. He already saw the insane amount of balance on Angor’s bone card. Insane, considering that Angor just joined Brute Cavern recently. Maybe Angor had a really rich family?
Dave took a guess that Angor could be the child of a big wizarding family. That was one possible reason why this new recruit possessed a large number of merit points.
“Of course not, duh! The Sky Tower tests your strength! Well, unless you’re really rich. But if you’re rich, why are you challenging the tower in the first place?”
“Really rich? What do you mean?” Angor wondered.
“The matches in Sky Tower don’t have any restrictions on how you defeat your opponent. Let’s say, if you can afford a lot of powerful scrolls, you can simply keep dumping them until you reach the top floor. That’s totally not a problem,” said Dave. He sneered, “But those scrolls will cost you way more than the final reward, so there’s no point. Besides, people will get really angry with you. Every match is held in public. Sure, you can use scrolls to deal with certain situations, but only shameless fools will try to beat every floor in that way.”