Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 183 - Greya’s Whereabouts

At this point, Angor still did not realize that getting a mere glimpse of truth and stepping onto the path of truth was completely different.

Wizards who had already found the path of truth would never tell others about it since every wizard must find his or her own path. A glimpse of truth, however, meant “the will to create”, not finding new spell combinations.

Creating something and using it, in reality, was one of the foremost qualities for finding the path of truth. Angor created a cantrip called “Dust” and utilized it at a proper point. The cantrip did not really do anything to Dripping River. However, it was how Angor created the spell in the first place, which really caught Sunders’ attention.

“Dust Removal…” Sunders tried to rearrange wind and earth elements in his mind for this particular cantrip. He did not have a cheating tool like hologram tablet, but as an experienced wizard, his great knowledge helped him work out the correct combination for Dust quickly.

“Knowing how a spell is made will help you study spells easier,” Sunders said and asked Angor to open the notebook. Next, the gentleman began to explain some basic knowledge about Illusions.

Confusing fake with real, false with true. Something that could not be touched, guessed or captured… This was the fundamental of illusions.

When speaking of illusions, ordinary people would immediately think about tricks that deceived human eyes. For Illusionist Wizards, however, such tricks were merely the basics of basics.

Similar to every periodical published by Moonfrost Union, the beginning of the magazine contained an anthem praising the explorers.

Next was the index of the magazine, which briefly introduced the newly discovered planes and major achievements in plane warfares.

The index of the thousand-page periodical did not have anything related to the Nightmare Realm.

A sky bus arrived.

Upon reaching his villa, Angor kept reading through Expedition into Endless Planes page by page. He finally found a short paragraph about Nightmare Realm when it was already late into the night.

[The Statue Plane is one of the thirteen planes used to back up our expedition teams. Thirty years ago, the plane gained a tunnel connected to the Nightmare Realm by chance, which only lasted three minutes, and brought 37 people through. Their High Commander was a level-2 wizard. This team was completely wiped out.]

Angor could learn something from this paragraph; that tunnels of Nightmare Realm could appear in other planes other than the wizarding world.

Was this the piece of information Sunders meant?

He kept reading. When the horizon grew brighter, he found something else in the last pages of the magazine.

It was not about the Nightmare Realm. But… a picture beside it showed an overweight, heavily powdered woman with violet curly hair and layered flesh on her fat face.

“Warrior Barbie” Greya.

[Half a year ago, Greya, the chef of Barbie’s Restaurant, fought with one of the five 3-star Psychics from Haunt World, Granny Shikazaru, and ran away when she lost. Three months later, she and a stationary wizard in an expedition team called “Sapling” tried to ambush Granny Shikazaru at Thousand Sea and failed. The three of them were dragged into an unknown plane passage. Preliminary estimate suggested that the passage was a tunnel to Nightmare Realm.]

When Greya asked Angor to take care of Toby, she said that in order to break through into the next class, she would leave the southern region to look for cooking materials far away. Angor never thought she would actually go to another plane. More surprisingly, she was sent into a Nightmare Realm tunnel.

He already knew how dangerous the place was. The magazine just told him that a level-2 wizard and three dozen other wizards all perished in there. Greya, as Gourmet Wizard, was not really adept at fighting. Should she get surrounded by the creatures in Nightmare Realm… her hope was slim.

Angor silently lamented Greya’s possible fate.

This further told him that the way of wizardry was full of great danger. Wizards who sought to break through or seek truths could easily end up as corpses somewhere far from home.

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