Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 186 - Starsoul

When leaving the management office, Angor did not really believe that he just got what he needed so easily from Melantha. Also, Melantha set up a condition for him; he must not abstain from any match until he was allowed to surrender.

And Angor did not have any problem agreeing to it.

His exceptional case would not affect the fairness of the matches. However, he did wonder why Melantha agreed to help him when they hardly knew each other.

Angor could not think about any reason and so, in the end, he concluded that Melantha was only a certain individual who was willing to help him out of kindness.

He had forgotten that Sunders gained the records about his matches because the man had some kind of connection with Sky Tower. Melantha, as one of the managers in the tower, should certainly know about Angor’s true identity, and it was natural that she would help him when she knew Sunders was his professor.

Sunders was never the man to take students easily, which meant Angor must possess something special. Till now, Sunders had only accepted two students, both of whom successfully became wizards.

And Melantha expected just as much from Angor.

A master at this skill could directly pull someone’s soul away from its owner’s body. Silvia, however, could only inflict pain on someone’s soul at best.

Still, pain on the soul meant unbearable agony which could easily force someone to surrender.

Angor did not know what he should do. He never learned anything about soul defense. He could only keep shooting at Saka, hoping to do some damage.

He did not bring Toby today, or he would already have asked Toby to go for Saka.

Out of desperation, Angor took out a golden bolt with an armor-piercing rune on it. Surely this thing would break Saka’s chain apart?

Saka remained stationary when Silvia kept her attacks on Angor. The man only fixed his malevolent glare at Angor while spitting on the ground now and then like a maniac. When Silvia began to use Soul Absorption, his twisted face became worse.


The armor-piercing bolt left Angor’s sleeve and broke the sound barrier.

The golden beam headed straight toward Saka’s chain.

As Angor expected, Saka’s chain was useful at deflecting his ordinary golden bolts, but not against the enchanted one.

When the chain broke down, Saka’s face went pale. What he had was not an actual chain, but a defensive tactic used by Soul Manipulators called Spirit Chain. The sturdiness of the chain depended on its user’s soul. If the chain got damaged, so would his soul.

Saka did not expect something like this to happen.

More importantly, the enchanted bolt did more than damaging his chain and soul. After penetrating his defense, the bolt kept going for his body.

In the end, the bolt disappeared into Saka’s shoulder and created a bleeding hole on it.

Angor was very good at aiming thanks to his archery training during his childhood. He had meant to shoot at Saka’s shoulder, instead of going for his opponent’s heart.

In the participant data, Dave said that Saka “accidentally” killed Silvia, and something like that never happened again in his Sky Tower battles. No matter how his opponents offended him, Saka would only order Silvia to shock their souls and leave them out cold on the ground.

This was the reason why Angor regarded Saka as one of the “rare, good wizards” in this world. The man looked crazy, sure. However, Angor did not really wish to kill him.

Angor believed that the shot was enough to force Saka to surrender.

The truth told him otherwise.

Silvia did not stop casting her Soul Absorption, and Saka did not look discouraged at all. Rather, his eyes glimmered with blood-red color while his already twisted face grew even scarier. Angor was positive he just saw a hint of excitement on Saka’s face.

Excitement?? While his shoulder was still losing blood like mad?

At this moment, Silvia’s skill looked prepared. Angor sighed in defeat as the woman’s soul released a red light beam.

A strange ripple was released from Silvia’s form.

Saka looked overexcited.

Angor thought he was going to lose it by receiving some kind of soul damage, so he was prepared to accept his first defeat.


The ripples of Soul Absorption came, and he only sensed a sharp but brief tingle as if someone just poked him with a needle.

… And nothing else.

Silvia was no longer releasing light. Angor stood on the arena just fine.

When Angor noticed that everyone was looking at him with great shock—except for Saka, who had a look of doubt—he asked in his faked low voice, “That’s it? That was your Soul Absorption?”

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