Chapter 46
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Su Jinyu said, “Boss, shouldn’t we be suing this company?”
Jia Peng nodded, “Yeah, manager! Send a legal letter!”
Chen Mo shook his head, “There’s no need.”
Su Jinyu was shocked, “Why? Maybe we should contact a lawyer before you make that decision.”
Chen Mo said, “Infringement on things like game rules are very hard to prosecute. In order for it to be a valid lawsuit, it has to have a similar art style, and the design documents for the rules must be extremely similar. If we can’t be certain that they plagiarized either of those points, it is an impossible lawsuit.
Su Jinyu felt that the others made sense, but still felt that Chen Mo had other reasons.
Su Jinyu decided to try out Lunar Defense.
First level, the game instructs the player to put down a Supply Station and install a Machinegun Turret to attack the incoming aliens.
Second level, there were new aliens, and a new type of defense equipment was unlocked.
Third level had the same unlocking playstyle.
Su Jinyu wanted to uninstall the game before she even got to the third level.
As it was very similar to Plants vs Zombies, Su Jinyu felt that she was playing a second run of Plants vs Zombies. Much of the content she was already familiar with, so Lunar Defense was dragging her through it with tutorials.
“Weird. The game is so similar to Plants vs Zombies, and the quality of the game seems alright. Why don’t I want to continue playing…?” Su Jinyu couldn’t help but ponder.