Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 247 - Story Illusion

Angor hoped to make something crystal clear, so he spent some time selecting materials with proper colors.

Next, he needed to choose a piece of music as well as an illusion that went with the music.

He already had something in mind; he would use “City of Sky”.

Now the question was, what kind of scenery suited the music best? Different people might have different views about this one since they all had different tastes. Angor did not expect to find a perfect answer. However, the least he could do was to try and find something commonly accepted.

He would go for something that was “relatively perfect” to accompany the City of Sky. Something that most people would find acceptable.

And he would do so by listening to the music carefully just like how people comprehended books by reading them a lot.

He opened the music folder and played the song.

His crafting process was smooth. However, something went unbalanced when he was trying to apply runes onto the finished model and caused a giant explosion.

Thankfully, he noticed the energy disruption in advance and moved away in time.

When thinking about his mistake, he realized that he had placed the runes inside the area of the illusion.

He had to keep a stable mana flow while drawing the rune. Since the rune was located too close to the illusion nodes, the mana accidentally triggered the nodes and ruined the whole process.

It was nothing unsolvable though. He simply needed to finish and stabilize the rune first before applying the illusion.

He looked at the broken Echo Flower and silently apologized to Toby.

The second attempt went well. Angor carefully drew the Tranquility Rune onto the object before laying down the illusion nodes.

He had already learned the experience when creating the demon falcon statue in Sunders’ study, which helped him finished the micro illusion in a short time.

The next important step was to record the music into the music box and create a trigger for the Acoustic Illusion.

He had done many perfect simulations before, but he would act as cautious as possible when doing the real deal.

As the music started, Angor immediately determined it as a way to trigger the illusion.

To make the illusion appear more “comforting” to people, he made the illusion gradually materialize in the air like ripples on water surface caused by a cobblestone. This way, he could tell people that the illusion was harmless as well as allowing them to enjoy the smooth transition as if traveling through time and space.

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