Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 294 - The Mystery of Nightmare Domain

“I know you still have questions.” Sunders walked to a bookshelf and pressed on the head of a gargoyle statue nearby.


The giant bookshelf split sideways and revealed another compartment behind.

The space inside the compartment was big enough to contain an adult. There was another bookshelf in there which contained research reports or something alike. Sunders found a booklet made from parchment and handed it to Angor.

Angor checked the book. It felt soft to the touch. Also, the book was bound using parchment sheets of different qualities and colors.

The Mystery of Nightmare Domain

Author: Sunders Eagle, Flora

“I want to have a look at-”


“… the Cursing Puppet.”

Angor climbed up from the floor, removed some dust from his rear, and walked away with a sad look.

He walked into the great hall and saw Goode helping Hobbiton clean up himself. Then the butler dressed the boy in a smaller-sized servant robe.

Every Phantom Servant on the island wore such a robe as well as a mask. When Angor approached them curiously, Goode put down his towel and bowed to him. “Mister Padt.”

Goode signaled Hobbiton who then addressed Angor with a timid voice, “Mi-Mister Padt.”

Angor nodded at them. “Can I ask a question, Butler Goode? What’s your robe and mask used for?”

Goode chuckled. “We’re not wizards. We need something to move around freely in Brute Cavern, and our mask and robe were imprinted with the emblem of Master Sunders. They both help us avoid mortals, and tell other wizards that we work for Master Sunders, so no one gives us unnecessary trouble.”

Goode pointed to a button on his robe. Angor noticed Sunders’ family emblem drawn on it. It was the same one he saw from his golden poster—a winged sword stuck inside a thorned rose. However, the button was too small to write the family motto on it.

Angor did not see the emblem on Hobbiton’s smaller robe—Hobbiton wished to become a wizard, and he was not Sunders’ student. Thus, the kid could not receive such protection.

“Butler Goode, so the robe has a… stealth effect on it?” Angor noticed a faint aura flowing around the robe, which could be either a built-in spell or a synthesis effect.

“Yes. There’s something that prevents detection spells.”

Angor brightened up. “Do you have a spare robe? Can I borrow one?”

Goode did not respond.

Hobbiton went “Huh?!”.

“There’s none,” Sunders spoke. The gentleman left his study for some reason.

“I just… wanted to take a look,” Angor muttered. He believed Twilight found his whereabouts using some kind of tracking spell, so he planned to make something… Maybe a robe, which could help him block such tracking attempts.

He did not have any knowledge about weaving, so he hoped he could borrow a servant robe to learn something.

But Sunders quickly ruined his plan.

After leaving Phantom Island, Angor headed straight home under the dawn-brightened sky.

He saw his villa in the distance and walked there slowly. He had not enjoyed any sleep for some time.

Before he could get to the door though, two figures suddenly showed up from under a tree nearby.


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